Wednesday, December 8, 2010

What The Future Holds for Social Media

Social media started as an evolution, but now it is the time for a revolution. The future of social media will change with the introduction of Web 3.0 and the Semantic Web. It has happened to all of us; we Google search for a specific piece of information and we cannot find it. The Semantic Web or Web 3.0 will take the information that we are looking for and link it to how are thought patterns have been on the Internet. With this information, it will help people locate the exact information they are looking for.
The Arduino, will be the next biggest step for social media and it is upon us. The Arduino is a small circuit board that is commonly used to prototype electronics. When this is connected to a social media like Twitter, you can receive tweets for endless possibilities. For example: you can receive a tweet if the dryer has stop, or the iron is left on, or your dinner has finished cooking. The possibilities are endless.
Optical Pattern Recognition & Augmented Reality is also an ingenious way that will change the world with the use of social media. Optical Pattern Recognition & Augmented Reality will allow you to scan a room with your cell-phone and any face recognitions that occur, a social profile be produced. This will allow someone to find out if the handsome man or pretty girl is available without having to ask them.
The way the world is fast-paced and changing, society looks like it might have trouble keeping up with the times. After researching data for my blog I now believe that a lot of the things that I didn’t think would be possible with social media now seem very plausible.